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导读 created bycreated by的中文意思created by是什么意思created by是什么意思中文created by chinaHi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。Coming up on today’s program.重点提要More than 10.2 million urban jobs were created in the first three quarter in China;China launches Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship for new challenging work in space station.Here’s what 好了吧! ...

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。Coming up on today’s program.重点提要More than 10.2 million urban jobs were created in the first three quarter in China;China launches Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship for new challenging work in space station.Here’s what 好了吧!



二、Created By Miao-yunzai


9月22日至10月5日,“2023天地世界音乐节”将在上海、武汉、重庆、佛山四城唱响,为观众呈现26组国内外乐团共计五十多场特色演出。今年的音乐节将延续“中国创艺(Created in China)”理念,以“声起南方”“在地新生”双主题策划,汇聚多支中国南方乐队,集中呈现来自中国两广等会说。

三、created By的中文


9 yue 2 2 ri zhi 1 0 yue 5 ri , “ 2 0 2 3 tian di shi jie yin le jie ” jiang zai shang hai 、 wu han 、 zhong qing 、 fo shan si cheng chang xiang , wei guan zhong cheng xian 2 6 zu guo nei wai le tuan gong ji wu shi duo chang te se yan chu 。 jin nian de yin le jie jiang yan xu “ zhong guo chuang yi ( C r e a t e d i n C h i n a ) ” li nian , yi “ sheng qi nan fang ” “ zai di xin sheng ” shuang zhu ti ce hua , hui ju duo zhi zhong guo nan fang le dui , ji zhong cheng xian lai zi zhong guo liang guang deng hui shuo 。


